MINI Copper X Rugby 5s
HK Beach Rugby has been an excellent outdoor event with a festival atmosphere, genuine feel-good factor and a lot of spirit! Guest appearances from World rugby stars, interactive rugby games and raffle prizes just to name a few! As one of the sponsors of such hot event, the automobile giant MINI, had displaced three of their well-known MINIs along side with outstanding props at the parking lot during the event for people to admire and take photographs.

In order to combine both rugby and MINI together, custom made stickers have been produced for each MINI. The design concept was to emphasize the common elements in both MINI and Rugby; Energetic, Dynamic and Passion.
Therefore, all the MINIs were wrapped with stickers designs that were inspired by the aerodynamic shape of the rugby ball and the spinning motion when it is in action. Moreover, a gigantic rugby was built for such road show display and placed on top of the Country Man, which was to emphasize the power of the MINI with its 4WD as well as excellent on and off road driving ability.

There was only one challenge that laid ahead for this project all along: “How can the MINIs attract non-stop photo opportunities and endless sharing among social network by just sitting at the park lot?”

During the two days event, these stunning MINI display have created a sharing phenomenal among social networks, they have spiced up the event in such a great deal.