Hong Kong Tramways Celebrates 110 Event
Hong Kong Tramways (HKT) hosted a reception at the Asia Society Hong Kong Centre to celebrate its 110th anniversary. The event, attended by nearly 200 guests including policy-makers, business partners and community leaders, marked the crescendo of the six-month long celebratory activities.
GH was in charge of the venue decoration and event management.

A special ceremony was designed to commemorate this important moment, by using the controlling part of tram as the activating device. When the special guest turned the tram control handle, the central part of the machine would be lit up.

One of the important parts the event is award presentation.
In recognition of the contribution of the members of the HKT family, HKT presented Long Servicing Staff Awards to seven HKT staff members who have served the company for over 35 years. As the highlights of the ceremony, HKT presented prizes to the winners of the “We all grow up with Ding-Ding” Photo and Story Competition.