Xmas flash mob
In the Christmas season, SWATCH launched a brand new product during this most awaited winter festival period.New product and its marketing materials would be fully made use of during promotion event so as to reinforce brand and shop images.
The ultimate goal for this promotion event was to create viral effects among public and social networks. By carrying out promotion around the targeted shop area, general public and potential customers awareness of these shops was raised, hence the traffic of these shops will be increased!

The concept of this event was making use of Flash Mob to create a wow effect to the audience. Dancers would be performing on street in Flash Mob style. A group of dancers were blended in the street of CWB as part of the general public, and assemble suddenly to do a joyful performance.
To strengthen the Christmas atmosphere, we had a big swatch gift boxes appeared at the same time when flesh mob started, and snows came out from the boxes.
The whole event was immersed in romantic and cheesy atmosphere.

To build such a large scale snowing boxes was a challenge in the whole event setup. Although we had experienced many failures and been through lots challenges, at the end of the day we succeeded in achieving the wow effects that we want.

The traffic in the swatch shop was highly increased due to the flash mob show. We helped our clients to achieve the goal to drive sales and also raise brand awareness. World of mouth was spread on all the social media platforms.